
Showing posts from February, 2019

Experiment 1 _ Draft

sketchup experiment 1

Experiment 1 _ Sketches

sketch 1

Experiment 1 _ Words

Image spaceship, brake , Alien consumer, catch, faceless palette, clash, asymmetric

Intro 3

the most beautiful thing I found in Sydney is its sunset, all the color been laminated, from warm to cold, its all including in the sunset. The enjoyable thing is I can watch the sunset almost everyday. Anytime, I just take my phone, no matter how low pixel my phone can take photo or how bad my taking photo technique, I just take my phone and give a shot to the sunset. than I can get photography that look like a professional photographic works.

Intro 2

Image Heydar Aliyav Center is designed by architecture master --- Zaha Hadid, which is my favorite architect. Her unconventional design create a strong visual impact to the audiance. the smooth curve always attract me.

Intro 1

This is the work I did in the foundation study, but it is a "not selected" work. the project brief is to create a space that clear reflect a appointed design movement or style, and mine is Scandinavian design. And this work is "too much" for Scandinavian, so it have not been chosen by the tutor. Despite this, I quite like the combination of color and its floating style.