
Showing posts from March, 2019

Experiment 1 _ Submission Hero and Detail Shots

Hero Shot Detail Shot upper stair is for bernabefreeman and downstair is for  autofabrica. the building is tend to present its modernism by introduce the cliant and customer to walking inside a engine, and providing a warm feeling in a enclosed space . The major material of the building is concrete, and  a cylinder to create a cohesive architecture.

Experiment 1 _ section Animations

  Plan Section Interial View Texture use for upper stair down stair texture Showroom texture

Experiment 1 _ developed stair

Front  Top showroom to upstair downstair to showroom

Experiment 1 _ 36 Textures

36 Textures up to down, left to right eternal, self healing, injuring, tireless, endless, conglomerate Atomic,  interact, converting, systemetic, venish  Energy, Mineral, metallic, Transform, repairing, component Ghost, Ethereal, unreal, disappearing, structural, floating Interacting, dynamic, refraction, cover, conflicting  pure , efficient, atomic, Revolutionary, solar power, Economical

Experiment 1 _ Stair Case

Section Sketch 3D Model describtion : the clients of mine is BernabeFreeman and AutoFabrica. Words I choose for Bernabe is shape, natural, warm ; AutoFabrica is speed, professional, fierce. the circle one is for bernabe from up floor to the ground and made by wood; the other one is for motorcycle which is from ground floor to the basement, and made by concrete and steel。